21–23 Apr 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Renormalization vs Causality in Finite-Time-Path Out of Equilibrium

22 Apr 2021, 16:50



Ivan Dadić (Ruđer Bošković Institute)


We formulate the perturbative renormalization for the out-of-equilibrium gφ3 , gφ4 , QED ... quantum field theory in the formalism with the finite time path. We use the retarded/advanced (R/A) basis of out-of-equilibrium Green functions, in which time ordering plays a role.
We use the dimensional regularization method and find the correspondence of diverging contributions in the Feynman diagrams and their counterparts in R/A basis. We find that the Dimensional Renormalization works exactly the way it does within the S-matrix field theories with the same number of subtraction. Although we reveal a number of problems related to energy (non-)conservation and causality, they are kept under control thanks to the D < 4 sector.
(This talk is based on collaboration with D. Klabučar and D. Kuić.)

Primary author

Ivan Dadić (Ruđer Bošković Institute)

Presentation materials