21–23 Apr 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Inclusive photon production in high energy pA collisions from the Color Glass Condensate

22 Apr 2021, 10:00



Anton Perkov (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science)


We compute a formula for the inclusive photon production cross section for high energy p+A collisions in the the q ->q gamma and g -> q qbar gamma channels (in the background field of the nucleus) using the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism. We successfully demonstrate that the cross section has only factorizable final-state collinear divergences. The latter are isolated thus contributing to the photon fragmentation contribution in the MS-bar scheme and in both channels. Combined with the direct photon contribution, the obtained result is suitable for comparison with the data from RHIC and the LHC at mid rapidities and photon transverse momenta of a few GeV.

Primary author

Anton Perkov (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science)

Presentation materials