FCC-ee physics zoom meeting -
Topic: General Monthly FCC-ee physics meeting
Minutes of 31-May-21 FCC physics meeting
Agenda: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1019438/
(1) News, Q&A and general discussion (Patrick Janot)
Slides: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1019438/contributions/4278606/attachments/2255065/3826426/News_GeneralMeeting_31May2021.pdf
CERN Council to decide (middle of June) about overall structure of FCC study. Proposal includes at least 6 working groups covering the physics potential of integrated FCC project.
ECFA workshops on Physics, experiments & Detectors at Higgs & EW factories:
* 3 working groups (physics potential, analysis methods, detectors)
* Kick-off meeting scheduled on 18 June: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1033941/
ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap: session started last week: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1037113/
FCC global collaboration working group:
* US: addendum signed with DoE in Dec2000
* "FCC Nordic Day": March 2021
* Expression of interest under preparation from other countries: Canada, Pakistan, India, Mexico
* UK: workshop in Liverpool planned for Feb 2022
* New users group for FCC collaborators created at FCC-EP
Next FCC Week: 28 June - 02 July: https://indico.cern.ch/event/995850/
Agenda under construction, several talks still to be finalised
Review of FCC placement (ie. where the tunnel should be located) scheduled for early June
Questions & discussion on comment appearing on pg. 11 about spelling out FCCee ahead of FCChh in roadmap.
(2) Tera-Zooming in on light (composite) axion-like particles (ALP) (Giacomo Cacciapaglia)
Slides: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1019438/contributions/4354676/attachments/2255140/3826330/TeraZooming.pdf
Goal is to search for new light state in huge number (1E12) Z-boson dataset. Theoretically motivated by composite Higgs models. Composite ALP Lagrangian is "calculable", therefore: predictive power.
Typical Lagrangian: just 2 free parameters (f, m_alpha)
Long-lived parameter space needs further analysis & displaced vertex reconstruction
Ongoing studies about EWPT at Tera-Z
Can EWPT + Z decays distinguish composite from elementary ALPs? Work in progress, stay tuned
(3) Probing Extended Scalar Sectors with Precision e+e- -> Zh and Higgs Diphoton Studies (Jia Zhou)
Slides: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1019438/contributions/4355046/attachments/2255269/3826610/zh_talk.pdf
Higgs of extended scalar sector supported by several experimental results, e.g. h->gamma gamma enhancement (CMS-PAS-HIG-12-015)
In Zh final state, new scalars modify Higgs couplings to Z/photon pair via radiative corrections.
Scalar Multiple Models: same gauge group as in SM: SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y
BSM contribution can be computed separately than SM EW corrections:
- Zh production sensitive to mass splitting between different multiple components
- Scalar loop contributions depend on new scalar masses, gauge couplings & extended scalar potential couplings
Can potentially expand analysis to other versions of extended scalar models with non-zero VEV (2DHM or singlet).
(4) Prospects for Bc -> tau+ neu at FCCee (Clement Helsens)
Slides: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1019438/contributions/4385989/attachments/2254422/3826516/Bc2TauNu_FCCeePhysicsMeeting.pdf
New study on Bc to tau neu branching fraction at Z-pole of FCCee now appearing on arXiv (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.13330), and will be submitted to JHEP.
First analysis to use common software tools from EDM4help all the way through final analysis. Diagram with detailed breakdown of software components developed for analysis.
Presentation & discussion on various MVA performance metrics.
Discussion that it may be useful to promote some of the software tools (e.g. interface with xgboost) in official FCC software tutorial.