Workshop on e-Infrastructure and Grid Computing

Plymouth, UK

Plymouth, UK


The day comprises two sessions.

  • The morning session is for researchers who understand the concepts of a Grid, and are interested to explore their use. It includes a practical using the UK's National Grid Service.
  • The afternoon is an introduction to Grid concepts for researchers and others who wish to understand the promise and current status of Grid Computing.

Please note it is necessary to register for each session separately.

  • To attend the morning session on middleware, including the practical session, register here
  • To attend the afternoon seminar, register here

This event is being jointly run by the University of Plymouth (UoP) and the Training Outreach and Education team of the National e-Science Centre (NeSC)

Local contact at University of Plymouth: Dr. Lingfen Sun (E-mail:, Tel: 01752 233667)

    • 09:15 13:45
      Session 1: Introduction to Grid Middleware Babbage Building R208

      Babbage Building R208

      Plymouth, UK

      In the first part of this session participants will be given an overview of middleware in campus, UK and international (EGEE) grids. This is illustrated by two case studies from the University of Plymouth.

      After coffee the focus is on using the UK's National Grid Service.

      • 09:15
        Welcome and introduction 15m
      • 09:30
        Middleware concepts and services in campus, national and international grids 45m

        Grids permit resource sharing across administrative domains.

        • PlymGrid is a campus grid to support collaboration across the schools of the University of Plymouth.
        • The National Grid Service (NGS) is the UK grid set up to support collaboration between universities.
        • The EU-funded EGEE project runs an international grid that supports international collaborations.

        Middleware on a grid is analagous to the operating system of a computer; it is the software that allows resources to be accessed and orchestrated.

        In this talk a very brief overview of middleware is given. The middleware services deployed by PlymGrid, the NGS and EGEE are described. PlymGrid uses Condor to harvest compute cycles from networked computers, NGS uses some of the Globus toolkit, and EGEE has developed the gLite middleware .

        Advances towards service oriented grids are outlined, with reference to the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA).

        The data and compute services of the NGS are introduced with reference to the SRB and OGSA-DAI middleware.

        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC)
      • 10:15
        Case Study – Weight Spectrum Enumeration of Channel Coding using PlymGrid 15m

        The application is deployed over PlymGrid which involves 1500 nodes based on Condor.

        Speaker: Cen Tjhai (UoP)
      • 10:30
        Case Study – Implementation and Applications of the BIOPATTERN Grid 15m

        The implementation is mainly based on Globus Toolkit V.4 (GT4) with OGSA-DAI for data services and Condor/Globus for computing services.

        Speaker: Pin Hu (UoP)
      • 10:45
        Coffee 15m
      • 11:00
        Practical: Using the National Grid Service (NGS) 1h 30m

        Brief walk-through on gaining access to the NGS and creating/running an application.

        Speaker: Mike Mineter
        how to connect
      • 12:30
        Data services on the NGS 15m

        Talk outlining services for exposing data to grids via OGSA-DAI and sharing files via SRB.

        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 12:45
        Next steps 15m

        Next steps for intending users: How to get an account on the NGS

        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 13:00
        Lunch 45m
    • 13:45 17:00
      Session 2: High level introduction/seminar Babbage LT 006

      Babbage LT 006

      Plymouth, UK

      This session gives a high-level introduction to the concepts of Grids and e-Infrastructure and to initiatives in the University of Plymouth. It is intended for a wide audience.

      • 13:45
        Coffee 15m
      • 14:00
        Opening Speech 5m
        Speaker: Prof. Emmanuel Ifeachor (UoP)
      • 14:05
        e-Infrastructure and Grid Computing 50m

        This talk will seek to answer five questions:

        • What is e-Infrastructure?
        • What is e-Research?
        • What are grids?
        • Why the excitement, investment and hype?
        • Where are we now in progress towards the initial vision of "The Grid"?!
        The goal of the talk is to help you to answer the question:
        "Does all this open new horizons for my research, my School, and my University?"
        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 14:55
        Grid initiatives in Plymouth -- Introduction 5m
        Speaker: Prof. Emmanuel Ifeachor (UoP)
      • 15:00
        A Brief History of PlymGrid 20m

        This talk will cover the following points:

        • From modest beginnings to what we believe is the largest Condor pool in UK HE
        • Strategies for drawing in new pool users as well as catering for experts
        • Opportunities for and constraints on future PlymGrid expansion
        Speaker: Dr Phil Richards (UoP)
      • 15:20
        Prospects and Limitations of Grid Computing in Particle Physics 20m
        • Modern particle physics is successfully described in terms of Quantum Field Theories. Because of the lack of direct analytical methods, some of these theories must be addressed by means of first principle numerical investigations.
        • Using the Ferromagnet as a toy-model for such theories, this talk will illustrate how Grid Computing largely facilitates the calculation of observables. Limitations of Grid Computing are addressed as well: for parts of the calculation preference is given to cluster- rather than grid-facilities.
        Speaker: Dr Kurt Langfeld (UoP)
      • 15:40
        From BIOPATTERN to Bioprofiling over Grid for eHealthcare 20m
        • EU FP6 BIOPATTERN Project
        • Concept of Bioprofiling
        • Why over Grid
        • Case study: Bioprofiling over Grid for Dementia
        Speaker: Dr Lingfen Sun (UoP)
      • 16:00
        Coffee 30m
      • 16:30
        Panel Discussion 30m

        by NeSC and UoP