14–16 Jul 2021
Institute Ruđer Bošković
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Towards precise false vacuum decay rates

14 Jul 2021, 15:30
DVORANA (3. krilo) (Institute Ruđer Bošković)

DVORANA (3. krilo)

Institute Ruđer Bošković

Institute Ruđer Bošković Bijenička cesta 54 HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia


Miha Nemevsek


Appearance of meta-stable minima is a common phenomenon in beyond the standard model theories, at zero and finite temperatures. Computing the lifetime of such transitions may become computationally (and conceputally) involved, especially in the presence of multiple scalar fields and non-trivial potential configurations. I will present recent progress on the determination of the bounce and the associated FindBounce
package. I will then discuss the one loop quantum corrections and present an example of a completely analytically solvable model, where the entire rate was computed analytically.

Presentation materials