Thank you for making this a successful meeting!

Recordings of presentations are now available for most talks.  The timetable lists all talks.  Each contribution (where the speaker allowed us) should have a link labelled "Recording".

There will be no proceedings for DPF21.

Registration and abstract submission are now closed.  

The APS Division of Particles & Fields (DPF) Meeting brings the members of the Division together to review results and discuss future plans and directions for our field. It is an opportunity for attendees, especially young researchers, to present their findings.  The meeting opened each day with plenary sessions, followed by selected community sessions and then parallel sessions to complete the day.

Topics covered included: LHC Run 2 Results; LHC Run 3 and HL-LHC Projections; Accelerators & Detectors; Computing, Machine Learning, and AI;  Quantum Computing and Sensing; Electroweak & Top Quark Physics; Higgs Physics; QCD & Heavy Ion Physics; Rare Processes and Precision Measurements; Neutrino Physics; Physics Beyond the Standard Model; Particle Astrophysics; Dark Matter; Cosmology & Dark Energy; Gravity & Gravitational Waves; Lattice Gauge Theory; Field & String Theory; Outreach & Education; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.

DPF2021 was held as a virtual-only event via Zoom.  It is hosted by the Florida State University High Energy Physics group and with the scientific program determined by the DPF Program Committee.

There was no Registration Fee.  You do not need to be a member of APS to register or to submit an abstract.

Support for this meeting was provided by the FSU Office of Research, the FSU College of Arts and Sciences, the FSU Physics Department, and the FSU High Energy Physics group.

Follow the meeting on Twitter @apsdpf2021 or #apdpf2021.
