14–16 Jul 2021
Institute Ruđer Bošković
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Probing the internal structure of hadrons in $pp\to \gamma + \pi^+$ at NLO QCD + LO QED accuracy

14 Jul 2021, 14:00
DVORANA (3. krilo) (Institute Ruđer Bošković)

DVORANA (3. krilo)

Institute Ruđer Bošković

Institute Ruđer Bošković Bijenička cesta 54 HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia
Submitted Talk Working Group Meeting


David Renteria-Estrada (FCFM-UAS, Mexico)


The accurate description of the internal structure of hadrons is a very challenging task. In order to compare the predictions with the highly-accurate experimental data, it is necessary to control any possible source of theoretical uncertainties. Thus, we can use the information extracted from final state measurement to constraint our knowledge about the internal structure of hadrons. In this talk, we describe how direct photon production can be exploited to unveil details about the partonic distributions inside protons. In this talk, we explain how to describe NLO QCD plus LO QED corrections to hadron plus photon production at collider, focusing on the accurate reconstruction of the partonic momentum fractions from experimentally accessible observables.


David Renteria-Estrada (FCFM-UAS, Mexico) German Sborlini (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Roger Hernandez-Pinto (FCFM-UAS)

Presentation materials