WLCG AuthZ Call
Proposed agenda:
- Announcements/Info
- CMS user sync
- Discussions:
- WLCG Token Transition Timeline Comments https://docs.google.com/document/d/11fcZU8fEsfjDiSkjh95nVr4tNXLPCA_xwr2SwriBpiw/
- WLCG Token Transition Timeline Comments https://docs.google.com/document/d/11fcZU8fEsfjDiSkjh95nVr4tNXLPCA_xwr2SwriBpiw/
- Parking lot
- Standardisation of CE capability requirements https://github.com/WLCG-AuthZ-WG/common-jwt-profile/pull/11
- MyProxy Equivalent for tokens
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Notes WLCG AuthZ Meeting
Participants: Irwin, DaveD, DaveK, Mine, Tom, Julie, Maarten, Petr, Jim, Andrii, Andrea, Brian, Enrico, Jeff, Alessandra, James
- User Sync
- Working fine for CMS, no errors reported
- ATLAS more problematic, will be worked on next week. Strategy for duplicates not sound, Petr has proposed a different approach (for some users override email with one provided by Petr). Should be done next week.
- Mapping groups to capabilities, how will this be done? Can be done over curl at the moment but not possible through dashboard. Andrea working on this and will process.
- CHEP presentation, Tom Dack will present
- GDB token presentation, Dave did Vault last month. We need a volunteer for the next one.
- CE side would be a good topic
- Jeny testing with CEs with good results
- VOMS import for CMS and ATLAS
- Advertise new VOMS RPMs
- Fermilab status report
- FTS and 3rd party copy
- Issue is that test framework is not used and frequently broken
- CE side would be a good topic
- VOMS RPMs, Maarten created a new RPM. Should this RPM only contain new VOMS endpoints or other things too? Sites will have to configure their services with trusted IAM and VOMS endpoints - should the number of RPMs be minimised?
- Andrea, keep RPM VOMS focused until clearer what configuration we should distribute
- Progress made on OSG side as well
- Reserve GDB slots
- May OSG/Glidein WMS - Brian
- May VOMS import status (short) - Andrea
- June Fermilab Status - Mine
- July token transfers (if ready) - Petr ?
- Maarten create VOMS RPMs for CMS and ATLAS, put into WLCG repo and announce on list
- Andrea and Andrii meet r.e. Dirac use cases