WLCG CE & Factory Token Hackathon


Please join us on the Mattermost channel!  Some notes from the event are available here.

Zoom Meeting ID
Brian Hua Lin
Useful links
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Zoom URL
  • Thursday 3 June
    • 07:30 07:40
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • 07:40 08:00
      Token and OAuth2 Introduction 20m
      Speaker: Andrea Ceccanti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
    • 08:00 08:30
      Hands-on: IAM Bootcamp 30m
      Speaker: Andrea Ceccanti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
    • 08:30 08:50
      GlideinWMS approach to token auth 20m
      Speaker: Marco Mambelli (Fermilab (US))
    • 08:50 09:05
      Break 15m
    • 09:05 09:30
      Hands-on: Submitting to HTCondor-CE with tokens 25m
      Speaker: Brian Hua Lin (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

      Requesting WLCG tokens with oidc-agent: https://opensciencegrid.org/technology/software/requesting-tokens/

      Example submit file using condor_submit -remote:

          executable = /bin/env
          output = env.out
          error = env.err
          log = env.log
          # can be skipped if there is a token in the default location:
          # /tmp/bt_u$(id -u)
          +SciTokensFile = "<path to token>"

      For improved management of submitted jobs, submit "Grid Universe" jobs from an HTCondor access point: https://htcondor.github.io/htcondor-ce/v5/remote-job-submission/#submit-the-job

    • 09:30 10:20
      Open Discussion / Hackathon 50m

      Ideas for discussion topics:

      1) Vault and its integration with HTCondor.
      2) How to authenticate the submission of user jobs.
      3) Set up demo HTCondor-CEs both with OSG and at CERN to demonstrate interoperability (including both SciTokens and WLCG tokens).

    • 10:20 10:30
      Wrap-up, Plans for tomorrow 10m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • 07:30 07:40
      Introduction to Day 2 10m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • 07:40 08:00
      ARC-CE token support plans 20m
      Speaker: Aleksandr Konstantinov (University of Helsinki (FI))
    • 08:00 08:20
      Token infrastructure at FNAL 20m
      Speaker: Jeny Lucia Teheran Sierra (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 08:20 09:00
      Discussion Topic 40m

      Suggested topics:
      - models for pilots & pilot factories
      - user mapping for tokens

    • 09:00 09:15
      Break 15m
    • 09:15 10:15
      Open Discussion / Hackathon 1h
    • 10:15 10:30
      Closeout 15m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))