The 2021 CERN-CKC Theory Workshop: BSM physics towards the end of the pandemic

from Tuesday 8 June 2021 (10:00) to Friday 11 June 2021 (18:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
8 Jun 2021
9 Jun 2021
10 Jun 2021
11 Jun 2021
Dark Matter (Session1) (until 12:20) ()
10:10 From Freezeout to Squeezeout for Heavy Thermal Dark Matter - Tracy Slatyer   ()
10:50 --- break ---
11:00 Compact Stars as Axion Laboratories - Benjamin Safdi (massachusetts institute of technology)   ()
11:40 Self-interacting (Dark) Radiation and the Hubble Tension - Jae Hyeok Chang (JHU/UMD)   ()
Flavor Physics (until 12:20) ()
10:10 Flavorful Higgs and the g-2 - stefania gori (UC Santa Cruz)   ()
10:50 --- break ---
11:00 Comprehensive study of Type-X 2HDM in light of the muon g-2 - Prof. Jeonghyeon Song (Konkuk University)   ()
11:40 Dispersion of neutrinos in Dark Matter - Mr Jongkuk Kim   ()
Astro/Cosmo (Session1) (until 12:20) ()
10:10 Testing dark matter interactions with the CMB - Yacine Ali-Haimoud (New York University)   ()
10:50 --- break ---
11:00 Cooling of young neutron stars and dark gauge bosons - Chang Sub Shin (Institute for Basic Science )   ()
11:40 Gravitational-wave probes of dark matter and small-scale structures - Sunghoon Jung (Seoul National University)   ()
BSM Theory/Naturalness (until 12:25) ()
09:50 Naturalness and the muon magnetic moment - Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS)   ()
10:30 --- break ---
11:00 Light Fermions and the Swampland - Irene Valenzuela   ()
11:40 P not PQ - Isabel Garcia Garcia (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))   ()
Dark Matter (Session 2) (until 18:30) ()
15:30 Projecting Cosmological Problems on the Story of Gravitinos - gongjun choi   ()
16:10 Energetic Light Dark Matter and High Energy Electron Recoil in Direct Detection Experiments - Dr Seodong Shin (University of Chicago / Yonsei University)   ()
16:50 --- break ---
17:00 Dark Matter Capture in Stars - Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne)   ()
17:40 --- break ---
17:50 Dark matter in the era of simulations and data - Lina Necib (California Institute of Technology)   ()
Flavor Physics (Session2) (until 17:40) ()
15:30 Muon g-2 from confined millicharge particles - Dr Fang Ye (KAIST)   ()
16:10 Muon g-2 in the standard model: a lattice QCD calculation of the leading hadronic contribution - Laurent Lellouch (CNRS and Aix-Marseille U.)   ()
16:50 --- break ---
17:00 Model building for flavour anomalies - Marzia Bordone (University of Torino)   ()
Astro/Cosmo(Session3) (until 18:30) ()
15:30 constraining light primordial black hole dark matter with interstellar medium - Hyungjin Kim (Weizmann Institute of Science)   ()
16:10 --- break ---
17:00 Moving the ALP Dark Matter window into testable territory with axion fragmentation - Geraldine Servant (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
17:40 --- break ---
17:50 New Directions for Light Dark Matter Detection - Yonit Hochberg (Hebrew University)   ()
Astro/Cosmo(Session3) (until 15:30) ()
14:50 Primordial Nano Black Holes - Antonio Walter Riotto (Universite de Geneve (CH))   ()
BSM Theory/Naturalness(Session2) (until 18:30) ()
15:30 Tensionless Strings and the Swampland in Four Dimensions - Seung Joo Lee (CERN)   ()
16:10 Distinguishing axion models with running axion couplings - Dr Sang Hui Im (IBS CTPU)   ()
16:50 --- break ---
17:00 Crunching Naturalness - Michael Geller (Technion)   ()
17:50 Self-Organised Localisation - Gian Giudice (CERN)   ()