The Heavy Photon Search experiment searches for electro-produced dark photons using an electron beam provided by CEBAF at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. HPS looks for dark photons through two distinct methods – a resonance search in the e+e invariant mass distribution above the large QED background for large dark photon-SM particles couplings, and a displaced vertex search for long-lived dark photons for small couplings. An engineering run in 2016 obtained 5.4 days (92.5 mC) of data using a 2.3 GeV, 200 nA electron beam, and both sets of analysis are unblinded and nearing completion. Even though the result from the 2016 displaced vertex search (which will be the focus of the talk) is insufficient to set physically meaningful limits, it demonstrated the full functionality of the experiment, including both signal expectation and background mitigation, that will enable probing unexplored parameter space with existing data and future, higher luminosity runs.
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