Color-octet scalars in Dirac gaugino models with broken R symmetry

12 Jul 2021, 16:15
Track L (Zoom)

Track L


talk Beyond Standard Model Physics Beyond Standard Model


Mr Taylor Murphy (Ohio State University)


We present a phenomenological investigation of color-octet
scalars (sgluons) in supersymmetric models with Dirac gaugino masses that feature an explicitly broken $R$ symmetry ($R$-broken models). We have constructed such models by augmenting minimal $R$-symmetric models with a set of supersymmetric and softly supersymmetry-breaking operators that explicitly break $R$ symmetry. We have found new features that appear as a result of $R$ symmetry breaking, including enhancements to extant decay rates, novel tree- and loop-level decays, and improved cross sections of single sgluon production. We have also explored constraints on these models from the Large Hadron Collider. We find that, in general, $R$ symmetry breaking quantitatively affects existing limits on color-octet scalars, closing loopholes for light CP-odd (pseudoscalar) sgluons while perhaps opening one for a light CP-even (scalar) particle. Altogether, scenarios with broken $R$ symmetry and two sgluons at or below the TeV scale can be accommodated by existing searches.


Mr Taylor Murphy (Ohio State University)


Linda Carpenter (Ohio State University)

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