This talk presents a search for a new resonance $W^\prime$ decaying into a $W$ boson and a $125~\text{GeV}$ Higgs boson $H$ in the ${\ell^{\pm}{\nu}b\bar{b}}$ final states, where $\ell = e,~\mu,~\mathrm{or}~\tau$, using $pp$ collision data at 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the ATLAS detector at LHC. The search considers the one-lepton channel, where an electron, muon, or leptonically decaying tau lepton is successfully reconstructed. Both resolved and merged regimes, as well as one and two b-tag regions, are employed to reconstruct the $H\rightarrow bb$ decay across the range of $W^{\prime}$ masses. The search is conducted by examining the reconstructed invariant mass distributions of $W^\prime \to WH$ candidates in the mass range from $400~\text{GeV}$ to $5~\text{TeV}$. Upper limits are placed at the 95% confidence level on the production cross-section times branching fraction of heavy $W^{\prime}$ resonances in heavy-vector-triplet models.
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