Searching for a new leptophilic vector boson Z' with four-muon final state with the ATLAS detector

14 Jul 2021, 16:15
Track G (Zoom)

Track G


talk Beyond Standard Model Physics Beyond Standard Model


Shuzhou Zhang (University of Michigan (US))


The talk presents a search for a new leptophilic vector boson Z' decaying into the four-muon final state using the data collected by ATLAS detector in the year 2015-2018. A moderate excess of 4𝜇 events with a 𝜇+𝜇− pair is the experimental signature for this study. The gauge boson Z' is predicted by the highly motivated gauged 𝐿𝜇−𝐿𝜏 model, which is the simplest extension of the Standard Model (SM). The model addresses the observed g-2 of the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment and the B physics anomalies. At the same time, the model probes physics and cosmology outstanding questions related to the dark matter and neutrino mass.

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Shuzhou Zhang (University of Michigan (US))

Presentation materials