Neutrinophilic Scalars at the LHC Forward Physics Facility

12 Jul 2021, 17:30
Track G (Zoom)

Track G


talk Beyond Standard Model Physics Beyond Standard Model


Douglas Tuckler (Carleton University)


In a well-motivated class of beyond the Standard Model scenarios, dark matter interacts mainly with neutrinos of the SM via a neutrinophilic mediator. This scenario can leave a striking signature in neutrino detectors -- the mono-neutrino signature. In this process, invisible particles (either dark matter or the mediators) can be radiated off neutrinos when they undergo charged-current weak interactions, resulting in missing transverse momentum with respect to the incoming neutrino. In this talk we discuss the possibility of probing neutrinophilic scalar mediators via the mono-neutrino signature at the proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF) at the LHC. Because of the high energy neutrino flux produced in the forward direction of LHC detectors, the FPF will play a leading role in probing neutrinophilic scalars in a so-far unconstrained parameter space and shed light on the origin of neutrinphilic dark matter scenarios.

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Douglas Tuckler (Carleton University)

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