Rare nuclear isotope accelerator facilities provide high-flux proton beams to produce a large number of rare nuclear isotopes. The high-intensity nature of their beams enables investigating dark-sector particles including axion-like particles (ALPs). In this talk, we will discuss detection prospects of ALP, using its coupling to Standard Model photons, in DAMSA (Dump-produced Aboriginal Matter Searches at Accelerator), a proposed experiment at RAON (Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ONline experiment) constructed in Korea. DAMSA features the close proximity of its detector to the target (i.e., ALP production dump) and a high-intensity proton beam, and as a result, DAMSA is capable of probing a high-mass region of ALP parameter space, which has never been explored by the existing experiments, and the region below the so-called "cosmological triangle". While the neutrino-induced backgrounds produced in the target and subsequently entering the detector are greatly suppressed thanks to the low 600-MeV proton beam energy, the mitigation of huge beam-related neutron backgrounds is rather challenging. We argue that they can be significantly suppressed with a high-capability detector system and hence the proposed ALP searches are feasible, inspiring other nuclear isotope accelerator facilities to pursue similar physics opportunities.
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