Explicit Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in the Heterotic M-Theory B−L MSSM

14 Jul 2021, 15:00
Track G (Zoom)

Track G


talk Beyond Standard Model Physics Beyond Standard Model


Sebastian Dumitru (University of Pennsylvania)


The strongly coupled heterotic M-theory vacuum for both the observable and
hidden sectors of the B − L MSSM theory is reviewed, including a discussion of
the “bundle” constraints that both the observable sector SU(4) vector bundle
and the hidden sector bundle induced from a single line bundle must satisfy.
Gaugino condensation is then introduced within this context, and the hidden
sector bundles that exhibit gaugino condensation are presented. The condensation
scale is computed and found to be low enough to be compatible with the energy scales available at the LHC.

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Sebastian Dumitru (University of Pennsylvania)

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