A tri-muon trigger for pair-production of dark photons with the CMS Experiment at the HL-LHC

14 Jul 2021, 15:15
Track D (Zoom)

Track D


talk Dark Matter Dark Matter


Paul Edmund Karchin (Wayne State University (US))


Pair production of dark photons is predicted from models of supersymmetry. When both dark photons decay into muon pairs, a trigger selection with three muons can be highly efficient for GeV-scale dark photons. We report the results of a simulation study of the CMS detector for p-p collisions at 14 GeV with average pile-up (interactions per bunch crossing) of 200. In this study, the dark photons have mass 1 GeV and they are promptly produced (originating from the primary vertex). Efficiency of 90% is obtained for events when the muon with the third largest pT is in the range 5-10 GeV. Efficiency approaches 100% when the third largest muon pT exceeds 40 GeV. The tri-muon trigger provides large increases in efficiency over single and double muon triggers for third largest muon with pT in the range 5 GeV to 40 GeV.

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Paul Edmund Karchin (Wayne State University (US))


Peter Dong (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Leonard Spiegel (FNAL)

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