Search for low-energy nuclear recoil in XENON1T

12 Jul 2021, 15:30
Track F (Zoom)

Track F


talk Neutrino Physics Neutrinos


Zihao Xu (Columbia University)


The XENON collaboration has recently published results lowering the energy threshold to search for nuclear recoils produced by solar $^8$B neutrinos using a $0.6$ tonne-year exposure with the XENON1T detector. Due to the low energy threshold, a number of novel techniques are required to reduce the consequent increase in backgrounds. No significant $^8$B neutrino-like excess is found after unblinding. New upper limits are placed on the dark matter-nucleus cross section for dark matter masses as low as $3~\mathrm{GeV}/c^2$, as well as on a model of non-standard neutrino interactions. This talk will present the techniques used to lower backgrounds and to validate signal and background models.

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Fei Gao (Columbia University) Zihao Xu (Columbia University) Knut Moraa (Columbia University) Joseph Howlett (Columbia University)

Presentation materials