Multi-Reactor Scientific Reach and Application Measurements with ROADSTR, a Mobile Antineutrino Detector

13 Jul 2021, 17:30
Track F (Zoom)

Track F


talk Neutrino Physics Neutrinos


Cristian Roca (LLNL)


The aim of the Reactor Operations Antineutrino Detection Surface Testbed Rover (ROADSTR) project is to observe and monitor electron antineutrinos from nuclear reactors. ROADSTR has been designed as a readily mobile detector, allowing measurements at multiple sites using the same instrument. Besides the clear advantages towards nuclear safeguard and verification applications, an easily redeployable detector provides also a unique chance to contribute to flux and spectrum predictions for different nuclear fuels while minimizing the detector-related systematic uncertainties. Such measurements could prove crucial to understand the different anomalies spotted in the short baseline oscillation experiments, while providing benchmark measurements for different applications. In this talk, the current efforts underway within ROADSTR will be summarized, including the development of Pulse Shape Discrimination capable scintillators based in 6Li-doped plastic technology, the implementation of detector mobility, and the study of correlated backgrounds and their mitigation strategies.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-823743.

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