Joint Isotope-Dependent Analysis of the Daya Bay and PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Spectra

13 Jul 2021, 16:45
Track F (Zoom)

Track F


talk Neutrino Physics Neutrinos


Jeremy Gaison (Yale University)


The Daya Bay and PROSPECT experiments have made world-leading measurements of the $^{235}$U antineutrino fission spectra using liquid scintillator detectors located at nuclear reactors. The Daya Bay experiment has deconvolved a $^{235}$U spectrum from $\sim$3.5 million detected antineutrinos generated from power reactors with an isotopic mixture of fuels, and PROSPECT has detected $\sim$50,000 antineutrinos generated by a research reactor highly enriched in $^{235}$U. Combining the high-statistics Daya Bay measurement and PROSPECT's direct $^{235}$U measurement we derive a more precise measurement of the $^{235}$U antineutrino spectrum and improve the deconvolution of the power reactor fission spectrum into its individual isotopic components. In this talk, I will present the current status of the joint spectral analyses between these experiments.

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Jeremy Gaison (Yale University)

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