Beyond the Standard Model Physics Prospects at DUNE

14 Jul 2021, 14:45
Track F (Zoom)

Track F


talk Neutrino Physics Neutrinos


Michael Wallbank (University of Cincinnati)


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project for precision neutrino physics. DUNE will consist of two detector complexes exposed to the world’s most intense neutrino beam. The Near Detector complex will sample the beam near the neutrino production target, at Fermilab. The Far Detector, comprised of four LArTPC modules each with 17-kton LAr mass, will be located 1300 km away in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. The high-intensity neutrino beam combined with DUNE’s highly capable multi-component Near Detector and massive high-resolution LArTPC Far Detector enable a variety of Beyond the Standard Model physics probes. These include discovery of new particles (sterile neutrinos, dark matter, heavy neutral leptons, etc.), precision tests of the neutrino mixing matrix including non-standard neutrino interactions, and the detailed study of rare processes (e.g. neutrino trident production). This talk will review these Beyond the Standard Model physics scenarios and discuss their prospects at DUNE.

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Michael Wallbank (University of Cincinnati)

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