The Drell-Yan process is studied in the framework of TMD factorization in the Sudakov region $s\gg Q^2\gg q_\perp^2$
corresponding to recent LHC experiments with $Q^2$ of order of mass of Z-boson and transverse momentum
of DY pair $\sim$ few tens GeV. The DY hadronic tensors are expressed in terms of quark and quark-gluon TMDs
with ${1\over Q^2}$ and ${1\over N_c^2}$ accuracy.
It is demonstrated that in the leading order in $N_c$ the higher-twist quark-quark-gluon TMDs reduce to
leading-twist TMDs due to QCD equation of motion. The resulting hadronic tensors
depend on two leading-twist TMDs: $f_1$ responsible for total DY cross section,
and Boer-Mulders function $h_1^\perp$. The corresponding qualitative and semi-quantitative predictions
seem to agree with LHC data on five angular coefficients $A_0-A_4$ of DY pair production.
The remaining three coefficients
$A_5-A_7$ are determined by quark-quark-gluon TMDs multiplied by extra ${1\over N_c}$ so they
appear to be relatively small in accordance with LHC results.
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