Unfolding ATLAS Collider Data with the Novel OmniFold Procedure

Jul 12, 2021, 2:45 PM
Track E (Zoom)

Track E


talk Computation, Machine Learning, and AI Computation, Machine Learning, and AI


Adi Suresh (University of California, Berkeley)


To perform theoretical calculations and comparisons with collider data, it must first be corrected for various detector effects, namely noise processes, detector acceptance, detector distortions, and detector efficiency; this process is called “unfolding” in high energy physics (or “deconvolution” elsewhere). While most unfolding procedures are carried out over only one or two binned observables at a time, OmniFold is a simulation-based maximum likelihood procedure which employs deep learning to do unbinned and (variable-, and) high-dimensional unfolding. We apply OmniFold to a measurement of all charged particle properties in $Z+$jets events using the full Run 2 $pp$ collision dataset recorded by the ATLAS detector to complete the first application of OmniFold on physical collider data.

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Primary authors

Adi Suresh (University of California, Berkeley) Dr Benjamin Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation materials