QCD and Heavy Ion: QCD 5J
- Manfred Kraus (Florida State University)
- Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)
The cross sections of the Z boson production in association with at least two b jets as a function of various kinematic variables are measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV using 137 fb$^{−1}$ of data collected by the CMS experiment at LHC. The Z boson decays to electrons or muons are considered with leading (sub-leading) lepton transverse momentum $p_{T} >$ 35 (25) GeV and...
Measurements of the production rate of Z bosons in association with heavy quarks provide sensitive tests of perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) predictions, which are made at next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy using either a 4-flavor number scheme (4FNS) or 5-flavor number scheme (5FNS). In the 4FNS, b-quarks are not present in the parton distribution functions (PDFs) and only appear...
At the EIC, semi-inclusive production of hadrons and jets in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) are crucial processes to obtaining information about the polarized TMD PDFs of the proton. Notably, recently it was proposed that in DIS the coupling of the proton PDFs and the T-odd part of the TMD jet function in semi-inclusive jet production can provide important information on the proton PDFs, such...
Since the first positive measurement of the Λ-hyperon global spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions by STAR in 2017, the understanding of the nature of this phenomenon is one of the most intriguing challenges for the community. As relativistic fluid dynamics celebrates multiple successes in describing collective dynamics of the QCD matter in such reactions, the natural question arises...
Building upon the most recent CT18 global fit, we present a new calculation of the photon content of proton based on an application of the LUXqed formalism. In this work, we explore two principal variations of the LUXqed ansatz. In one approach in which we designate CT18lux, the photon PDF is calculated directly using the LUXqed formula for all scales, $Q$. In an alternative realization,...
In Lattice QCD, solutions of the quark matrix $M$ can be difficult to obtain via Krylov methods due to the low-lying eigenvalue distribution. Polynomial preconditioning can be used to speed up the convergence of Krylov solvers by shifting the low-lying eigenvalues away from the origin. New polynomial preconditioners have been previously developed to achieve high-degree polynomials and an...