The catalogue of TeV gamma-ray emitting objects includes about 90 extragalactic sources, among which only a few belong to the class of radio galaxies or misaligned blazars. This smaller class includes PKS 0625-354, a source detected as TeV gamma-ray emitter already in 2012. Here, we report H.E.S.S. observations of this active galaxy performed in November 2018. The classification of the object is still a matter of debate in the context of blazar and radio galaxy scenarios. With the recent H.E.S.S. observations, supported with multi-wavelength observations collected with Fermi-LAT, Swift-XRT, and Swift-UVOT, we report the detection of TeV gamma-ray variability of the sources. Ten days of H.E.S.S. observations revealed an outburst observed on November, 1st followed by a decrease of the gamma-ray flux. In this talk, I report the result of H.E.S.S. and multi-wavelength observations of PKS 0625-354. I also discuss the possible interpretation of the broadband spectral energy distribution of the source and the implication of the TeV gamma-ray variability detected.