General Information
The Cracow Epiphany Conference has had a different topic every year. The series started in 1995. By bringing in new subjects and inviting new participants every year the meetings offer a general forum to discuss the frontiers of physics.
The intent of this year’s conference is to review recent advances in astroparticle physics. The main focus shall be on high-energy cosmic ray particles and their sources. Reviews and recent results of direct cosmic ray measurements and multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations of astrophysical sources of high-energy particles and radiation will be presented. The meeting will also report on novel advancements in theory and modeling of particle acceleration processes as well as testing cosmic ray acceleration in plasma physics laboratory experiments.
Topics include:
- High energy cosmic rays
- Gamma-ray astronomy
- Gravitational waves
- Astrophysical neutrinos
- Particle acceleration
- Laboratory astroplasma physics
For more information please see the conference webpage.
To learn more about IFJ PAN see Leaflet 1 and Leaflet 2.