Particle acceleration I
- Agnieszka Janiuk (Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS)
Particle acceleration I
- Masahiro Hoshino (The University of Tokyo)
The nonthermal particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection has remained a fundamental topic in many astrophysical phenomena such as solar flares, pulsar wind, and magnetars and so on for more than half a century, and one of the unresolved questions is the efficiency of the nonthermal particle acceleration. Recently, nonthermal particle acceleration mechanisms during reconnection have...
Relativistic magnetized shocks are ubiquitous in the universe. High energy astrophysical objects such as active galactic nuclei, gamma ray burst, and pulsar wind nebula are usually associated with the shocks as a consequence of the interaction between relativistic plasma outflow and interstellar medium. The nonthermal emission from these objects are generally modeled as synchrotron radiation...
The acceleration of high-energy particles is common both in heliophysics and astrophysics. The diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) process has been the standard mechanism for particle acceleration at collisionless shock waves. It is, however, well known that DSA cannot explain the acceleration of low-energy electrons because of the lack of efficient scatterers. We have proposed stochastic shock...
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to produce the most part of the galactic cosmic rays (CRs). SNRs harbor non-relativistic collisionless shocks responsible for acceleration of CRs via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA), in which particles gain their energies in repetitive interactions with the shock front. As the DSA theory involves pre-existing mildly energetic particles, a means of...
Low Mach number shocks with M~2-3 are induced in the hot tenuous intracluster medium (ICM) by mergers of galaxy clusters. Cosmic ray (CR) protons are expected to be accelerated mainly at quasi-parallel shocks, whereas CR electrons are expected to be accelerated preferentially at quasi-perpendicular shocks. Microinstabilities excited by reflected protons and electrons, and the ensuing...
Shock waves in cosmic plasmas are the places of the electromagnetic turbulence generation and acceleration of particles. They can be found in a big number of astrophysical objects on different scales, e.g. Earth's bow shock, solar flares, supernova remnant (SNR) shocks, merger shocks in galaxy clusters. In the latter case, X‑ray and radio observations indicate the efficient electron...