Gravitational waves
- Henryk Wilczynski
The era of Gravitational Wave (GW) Astronomy started on 2015, with the first observation of GWs from the merger of a binary black hole (BBH) system by Advanced LIGO. Two years later, the detection of GWs from a binary neutron star (BNS) merger by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo network and of the associated electromagnetic (EM) signals marked the birth of multi-messenger astronomy with...
Recent years have brought us a great development in the gravitational wave astronomy with many new sources discovered by LIGO and Virgo. I will summarize the properties of the objects discovered and listed in the recent GWTC-3 catalog, and provide a summary of the models of their origin. Each of these models has specific predictions. I will review these predictions and confront them with the...
The electromagnetic radiation emerging from jets in gamma rays is modulated on timescales driven by the magnetirotational instability. Shorter, free-fall timescales, are relevant for the state of magnetically arrested accretion, when the interchange instabilities regulate the excess of magnetic flux on the black hole horizon region. On the other hand, the uncollimated outflows accretion disk...