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Fostering Swiss collaboration towards a future circular collider - Part 1

A100 / Sciences II (UniGe)

A100 / Sciences II


30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève
Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Florencia Canelli (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))

These workshops aim to kickstart Swiss efforts to contribute towards a Future Circular Collider and to spearhead the collaboration among Swiss institutions on the development of detectors and accelerators. The first workshop covers the general aspects of the FCCee project and introduces the activities and interests of the different Swiss groups. The goal of the second workshop is to identify interest for participation in concrete projects and collaborative activities with a focus on common fundraising efforts.

The workshops are sponsored and hosted by the University of Geneva and the University of Zurich. The workshops are endorsed by the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP).

This first FCCee workshop will be IN PERSON at the University of Geneva.  Given current restrictions, a maximum of 60 people will be allowed. A zoom connection is also provided; link available at the menu on the left of this page.

The lunch and coffee breaks will take place at the Cafeteria of Sciences II, close-by the meeting room.




  • Admir Greljo
  • Ahmed Hammad
  • Alain Blondel
  • Andreas Crivellin
  • Anna Macchiolo
  • Anna Sfyrla
  • Annapaola De Cosa
  • Armin Ilg
  • Clement Helsens
  • Cristina Botta
  • D M S Sultan
  • Elena Graverini
  • Florencia Canelli
  • Francesco Riva
  • Franco Bedeschi
  • Gerardo Ganis
  • Gino Isidori
  • Giuseppe Iacobucci
  • Hans Peter Beck
  • Inar Timiryasov
  • Jaana Heikkilae
  • Lea Michaela Caminada
  • Lenny Rivkin
  • Lesya Shchutska
  • Lorenzo Paolozzi
  • Maarten Van Dijk
  • Malte Backhaus
  • Mauro Donega
  • Michael Spira
  • Michel De Cian
  • Nicolo Cartiglia
  • Ondrej Theiner
  • Patrizia Azzi
  • Rainer Wallny
  • Robert Mihai Amarinei
  • Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
  • Stefano Franchellucci
  • Stefanos Leontsinis
  • Steven Schramm
  • Tanishq Sharma
  • Tatiana Pieloni
  • Walter Snoeys
  • Xin Wu
    • Welcome coffee and registration Cafeteria / Sciences II

      Cafeteria / Sciences II


      @ Cafeteria Sciences II

    • Overview - Swiss perspective A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève

    • Overview - accelerator A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève
      • 2
        Accelerator: challenges and progress
        Speaker: Dave Newbold (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
    • Overview - physics perspective A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève
      • 3
        Flavour physics at FCCee
        Speaker: Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 4
        Precision at FCCee - EW corrections & Higgs
        Speaker: Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))
      • 5
        BSM at FCCee
        Speaker: Inar Timiryasov (EPFL)
      • 6
        Indirect searches at FCCee
        Speaker: Francesco Riva
    • 12:25
      Lunch Cafeteria / Sciences II

      Cafeteria / Sciences II


    • Overview - international perspective A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève
    • 15:55
      Coffee break Cafeteria / Sciences II

      Cafeteria / Sciences II


    • Swiss experimental contributions A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève
    • Closing remarks A100 / Sciences II

      A100 / Sciences II


      30, quai Ernest Ansermet 1205 Genève