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20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

The Primitive Domain for Analytic Off-shell Correlators in SFT

22 Sept 2021, 17:30



Ratul Mahanta


The work of de Lacroix, Erbin, and Sen (LES) from 2018 showed that the Feynman loop diagrams (those without any massless internal propagator) in closed superstring field theory are analytic on a domain in complex external momenta variables. We prove an analytic extension of the LES domain to a larger domain, using complex Lorentz transformations and Bochner's tube theorem. Explicit applications of our formula to 2-, 3-, and 4-point functions show that the extension equals the well-known Primitive domain. In the case of 5-point functions, we do the analysis for limited subcases.

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