HEP Software Training Challenge
HEP Software Training Challenge
The big goal!
We have made significant progress in the past few years. The HSF Training Working Group has brought together the HEP community and has focused efforts not only on running a number of training events (despite COVID over the past year), but also the development of a first draft of a common curriculum. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.00659
The effort encompasses both funded projects such as IRIS-HEP, FIRST-HEP (recently joined by SWIFT-HEP in the UK), but also a large number of enthusiastic volunteers. In this workshop we propose to define, plan and build on and expand the effort in the coming 3 years by defining a clear target in the form of a community “Training Challenge”.
What are the next steps?
We are now working to define, with the larger community, a series of specific goals for the period 2021-2023 in four categories and to work with the community to achieve them.
Scalability - We aim for sufficient scalability in the training activities such that all students and postdocs can receive training in both the introductory material and the more advanced material. In the steady state we expect a required scale approximately equal to the number of incoming students each year.
Sustainability - We aim to develop community processes by which both the instructors involved in training activities, and the training materials themselves, are continually renewed and meet the other two goals.
Training Scope - We aim for a curriculum (introductory, intermediate, advanced) that broadly meets the needs of the community and evolves over time as needed.
Diversity and Inclusion - The participation in the training should be representative of our community and (as we engage earlier in the pipeline) should work to represent the society at large
Aman Goel
Amy Roberts
Arturo Sanchez Pineda
Benedikt Hegner
Benjamin Krikler
Benjamin Michael Wynne
Christopher Tunnell
Claire David
Daniel S. Katz
David DeMuth
David Friday
Davide Costanzo
Dev Malik
Dorothea vom Bruch
Eduardo Rodrigues
Henry Fredrick Schreiner
Ianna Osborne
Jonas Eschle
Joseph Haley
Kilian Lieret
Martha Hilton
Meirin Oan Evans
Michel Hernandez Villanueva
Nils Erik Krumnack
Oksana Shadura
Patrick Koppenburg
Peter Elmer
Robin Newhouse
Salman K Malik
Sayanta Neogi
Sebastien Ponce
Stefan Roiser
Sudhir Malik
Zach Marshall