REMOTE - Sociology Lecture 2: Gender division of labor in the household (2/2)
Abstract Lecture 2:
Although female labor force participation rates have increased significantly in the recent decades, women still do most household chores across the globe. The gender inequality in the household is harder to regulate with the help of social policies than inequality in labor market sphere. In the lecture I will discuss the gender division in childcare and household chores. I will show how the amount of domestic labor is associated with gender role attitudes and participation in the labor market across countries. Special attention will be given to the impact of COVID pandemic upon the division of household labor.
Short bio of the speaker:
Natalia Soboleva holds a PhD in Economic Sociology and Demography from the Department of Sociology, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). She is Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Business Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Her research interests include gender role attitudes, work values, life and job satisfaction, subjective well-being. Her work has been published in International and Russian peer-reviewed journals. In 2017 she has become a prizewinner of the Elizabeth H. Nelson Prize for the best paper from a society in transition for paper "Work Values and Job Preferences in Europe: Gender Aspect". She is National Program Director of European Values Study (EVS) in Russia, a member of theory and standing groups of EVS and the Editorial Board of the EVS- Brill Series.
Maria Dimou / 92 participants