September 24, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

CMS Guides

Sonia Natale

Sonia studied Physics at the University of Rome « La Sapienza » and is CERN based since her Bachelor’s Degree. She spent one year at Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) and then she moved to the University of Geneva - DPNC, obtaining her PhD in Particle Physics. 

She is a physics researcher, and is an expert in experimental astro-particle physics, silicon detectors and related laser devices. She contributed to the construction and commissioning of the AMS-02 experiment on the NASA International Space Station during her research activity at CERN (UniGe, RWTH, MIT).

She is also a scientific communication speaker involved in several CERN public outreach events and CERN focused programmes (National and International Teachers Training Programmes, National and International Masterclasses, Laboratory sessions as S’Cool Lab). She is a member of several juries and selection committees for Physics competitions for students (CERN BL4S, SYPT, IYPT) and  for teachers (CERN « I vostri successi »). Currently involved in the organisation of the first Science and Communication Hackathon event at CERN being part of the organisation Committee.

Francesca Cavallari 

Francesca Cavallari is a physicist at INFN Rome. She works in CMS since 1996, mainly on the electromagnetic calorimeter. 


CMS virtual technical experts

Mohamed Darwish 

I am a PhD student at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and have been a part of the CMS collaboration since 2015. I obtained a M.Sc. from Alexandria University (Egypt), where I worked on preparatory studies to search for the production of new heavy particles using the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). My main doctoral research point is to search for a new particle "heavy neutral Lepton (HNL)" in the data collected by the CMS detector in full Run2 . I have been awarded by CMS Achievement Award in 2018 for supporting CMS data taking in as HLT DOC. I am currently working as a L3 convener in PdmV/PPD group along with part of the CMS Shift Organization team.

Haifa Rejeb Sfar

I am a phD student at the university of Antwerp and university of Tunis El Manar, I joined the CMS Collaboration in 2017 , since then I have been involved in the search of a hypothetical  particle the so called « heavy neutral lepton »  in CMS , DUNE and SoLid experiments in complementary phase spaces beside that I am working as a CMS shifts organiser and shifters trainer and I am also part of the CMS virtual visits team. Finally I am looking forward to start a new CMS tracker activities ! 

Noemi Beni

Zoltan Szillasi

Zoltan and Noemi are physicists, PhD in particle physics

During the last 20 years they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS

Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.