Beam telescopes have become integral to the infrasctructure of many test beam facilities today. At the DESY II Test Beam the EUDET-type beam telescopes have represented the standard for the better part of a decade by now. The monolithic architecture of the MIMOSA26 pixel sensor combined with the small pitch (18.4 µm) makes it particularly suited for tracking low momentum particles.
In the first part of this talk an update on the current status of the EUDET-type beam telescopes will be given.
Despite their success up until now, keeping up with increasing demands in the field of detector R&D calls for an upgrade. High particle rates and the requirement for precise time information exceed the capabilities of the MIMOSA26 sensor with its ~ 115 µs long readout cycle. One upgrade approach is the integration of an additional dedicated timing layer, several options of which are currently under study. A compatible approach is the replacement of the MIMOSA26 sensors by newer generation pixel sensors, which is additionally motivated by the possibility of the current telescopes reaching their end-of-life in the near term.
The second part of the talk will present the efforts being made at DESY to upgrade the EUDET-style beam telescopes as well as an outlook on future possibilities.