20–24 Jun 2022
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Conference Fee and Payment Instructions

The fee of non-remote participation is 175 EUR which includes:

  • welcome reception
  • lunches during the workshop
  • coffee breaks
  • excursion
  • conference dinner
  • handling expenses

Remote participation fee is 20 EUR.

Fee for the accompanying person is 90 EUR which includes:

  • welcome reception
  • excursion
  • conference dinner
Registration fee must be paid to the Department's bank account (holder: Universita' del Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica), specifying the code:


  • Bank name: Banca Popolare Pugliese Società Cooperativa per Azioni, AG.65 SEDE DI LECCE, VIALE MARCHE, 73100 LECCE;
  • ABI: 05262;
  • CAB:79748;
  • IBAN: IT65U0526279748T20990001100

Payment should be made by bank transfer. After paying the "BEAM2022" conference fee, please mail the receipt to the organizing committee at bttb10@unisalento.it, as a proof of payment.

We kindly ask all participants to follow the above instructions, and to pay the fee before the registration deadline, May 20th. Please keep in mind that fee refunds are guaranteed only for requests received before May 20th. After May 20th, we cannot guarantee a (full or partial) refund.