20–24 Jun 2022
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Electric field as a crucial parameter for LGAD’s safe, danger and irreversible breakdown region: Highlighted outcomes from the sensor stability study using ELI SEB Femtosecond TEST Beam Station

22 Jun 2022, 16:00
Lecce, Italy

Lecce, Italy


Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))


In this presentation we highlight the most significant outcomes from the systematic study of heavily Irradiated LGAD using the femtosecond laser test beam facility at ELI Beamlines. Instability and LGAD’s deaths associated to Single Event Burnout (SEB) from Highly Ionising Particles (HIP) are tested. Questions such as what the safe margin for operation is; is the sensor mortality a threshold effect and whether some vendors already produced LGADs that when irradiated at critical ATLAS fluency of 2.5e15 neq/cm2 cope well with limits recently imposed by SEB, will be discussed. The impact of findings in the context of ETL (CMS) and HGTD (ATLAS) will also be presented.


Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))


Jiri Kroll (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Tomas Lastovicka (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Mateusz Rebarz (Extreme Light Infrastructure) Kamil Kropielnicki (Extreme Light Infrastructure) Jakob Andreasson (Extreme Light Infrastructure)

Presentation materials