20–24 Jun 2022
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Monte Carlo simulations of a beam telescope setup based on the 65 nm CMOS Imaging Technology

21 Jun 2022, 12:40
Lecce, Italy

Lecce, Italy

Talk Simulation


Sara Ruiz Daza


Monolithic CMOS sensors enable the development of detectors with a low material budget and a low fabrication cost. Moreover, using a small collection electrode results in a small sensor capacitance, a low analogue power consumption, and a large signal-to-noise ratio. These characteristics have become very attractive in the development of new silicon sensors for charged particle tracking at future experiments. One of the goals of the Tangerine Project (Towards Next Generation Silicon Detectors) is to develop a telescope setup consisting of detector prototypes designed in a novel 65 nm CMOS imaging process. This contribution describes the first steps and verifications in the design of such a telescope using the Allpix Squared and Corryvreckan frameworks for simulation and analysis.



Håkan Wennlöf (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))

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