The R-Weg is a former transfer beamline from the DESY II synchrotron to DORIS. Recently,
it has been recommissioned to serve as a high-rate electron beam line. The full DESY II
beam with up to $1.5 \times 10^{10}$ e$^-$ per bunch can be dumped at a rate of 12.5 Hz. The available
high rates allow not only for precise detector tests, but also electron irradiation campaigns.
To ensure safe and controlled operation, it is necessary to understand the beam parameters
and radiation field in detail. Therefore, the R-Weg is studied using a Monte-Carlo simulation
framework for the interaction and transport of particles in materials: FLUKA. Typically, it is
optimized for the study of radiation and beams.
Using FLUKA, the radiation backgrounds, neutrons and gamma from the beam dump are
simulated and verified by an appropriate measurement device such as a radiation monitor. In
addition, the beam stability at different extraction timings, which is influenced by the
instability in the mains frequency, is going to be simulated while the study of beam profile is
going to be conducted.
In this presentation, an overview of the recent progressing simulation and measurement is