Scope of the tutorial
The goal of this interactive tutorial is to understand the usage of basic functionalities of the Allpix Squared simulation framework, and methods to extract some of the relevant quantities for sensor studies. Participants are encouraged to follow along on their own computers. A task and instructions will be provided and walked through, covering the basic concepts of...
The AIDA trigger logic unit and EUDAQ2 provide a common infrastructure platform to integrate a large variety of devices with the EUDET-type reference telescopes at test beams. Since test-beam time is always limited, users rely on a stable and common interface for their devices. The tutorial will provide a solid basis to optimally prepare your next successful test beam campaign.
The tutorial...
The AIDA trigger logic unit and EUDAQ2 provide a common infrastructure platform to integrate a large variety of devices with the EUDET-type reference telescopes at test beams. Since test-beam time is always limited, users rely on a stable and common interface for their devices. The tutorial will provide a solid basis to optimally prepare your next successful test beam campaign.
The tutorial...
Corryvreckan is a software framework dedicated to the analysis of test-beam data. It employs a modular concept, providing algorithms for typical analysis steps like pixel masking, clustering, tracking, alignment and for the reconstruction of commonly investigated observables like detection efficiency, spatial and temporal resolution or material budget. This approach allows for a flexible...
Scope of the tutorial
The goal of this interactive tutorial is to understand the usage of basic functionalities of the Allpix Squared simulation framework, and methods to extract some of the relevant quantities for sensor studies. Participants are encouraged to follow along on their own computers. A task and instructions will be provided and walked through, covering the basic concepts of...
Corryvreckan is a software framework dedicated to the analysis of test-beam data. It employs a modular concept, providing algorithms for typical analysis steps like pixel masking, clustering, tracking, alignment and for the reconstruction of commonly investigated observables like detection efficiency, spatial and temporal resolution or material budget. This approach allows for a flexible...