6–8 Oct 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Zoom ID: 954 6213 2210
Zoom Passcode: 105658

In Europe, the CERN Council has charged the Laboratory Directors Group (LDG) to develop the Accelerator R&D Roadmap for the next decade before the end of this year. This Roadmap will consider different funding scenarios and contain deliverables and demonstrators. Council is expected to decide on the Roadmap by the end of the year. As a consequence the Roadmap will define the R&D for the next decade. In this frame a Muon Beam Panel has been created by the LDG. In order to prepare the Roadmap we held two community meetings and plan to hold one more. The first community meeting took place from May 20 to 21 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1030726/). The second meeting took place from July 12 to 14 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1043242/). These meetings will serve to provide the input to the Council meeting in June and September and to the main European Physics community event, the EPS-HEP Conference. 
Deliverables for the Roadmap:
• Should focus on concrete programme that we want to propose.   
• What is needed as input for next Strategy Update?    
– What will be objections to the muon collider concept?    
– What do we need to support to be scientifically sound?    
– What do we need to have ready for the test facilities?    
– And the other R&D programme?    
• Probably should think in terms of scope from the beginning: for each R&D item, define required level => Initial proposal:
  1. no work needed;
  2. concept, basic parameters;
  3. lattice, reasonable basic performance specifications;
  4. lattice with tolerances, advanced performance specifications;
  5. conceptual design;
  6. engineering design;
  7. model, test of specific parameters;
  8. prototype.
• In parallel, define risks.

Charge for this Third Muon Community Meeting:
During the first community meeting we identified a set of challenges in the delivery of the muon collider. During the second community meeting we sought to deliver a prioritised and resource loaded R&D list. The goal now is to confirm the R&D list, and review possible timescales for delivery of the necessary R&D.


Conveners of the 11 working groups:

Radio-Frequency (RF): Alexej Grudiev (CERN), Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN retiree), Derun Li (LBNL), Akira Yamamoto (KEK).
Magnets: Lionel Quettier (CEA), Toru Ogitsu (KEK)‎, Soren Prestemon (LBNL), Sasha Zlobin (FNAL), Emanuela Barzi (FNAL).
High-Energy Complex (HEC): Antoine Chance (CEA), J. Scott Berg (BNL), Alex Bogacz (JLAB), Christian Carli (CERN), Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJCLab), Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt (FNAL), Shinji Machida (RAL).
Muon Production and Cooling (MPC): Chris Rogers (RAL), Marco Calviani (CERN), Chris Densham (RAL), Diktys Stratakis (FNAL), Akira Sato (Osaka University), Katsuya Yonehara (FNAL).
Proton Complex (PC): Simone Gilardoni (CERN), Hannes Bartosik (CERN), Frank Gerigk (CERN), Natalia Milas (ESS).
Beam Dynamics (BD): Elias Metral (CERN), Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC and Stanford University), Rob Ryne (LBNL).
Radiation Protection (RP): Claudia Ahdida (CERN).
Parameters, Power and Cost (PPC): Daniel Schulte (CERN), Mark Palmer (BNL), Philippe Lebrun (CERN retiree and ESI), Mike Seidel (PSI), Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL), Jingyu Tang (IHEP).
Machine Detector Interface (MDI): Donatella Lucchesi (University of Padova and INFN), Christian Carli (CERN), Anton Lechner (CERN), Nicolai Mokhov (FNAL), Nadia Pastrone (INFN), Sergo R Jindariani (FNAL).
Synergy: Kenneth Long (Imperial College), Roger Ruber (Uppsala University), Koichiro Shimomura (KEK).
Test Facility (TF): Roberto Losito (CERN), Alan Bross (FNAL), Tord Ekelof (Uppsala University).


=> Working    groups    should    prepare    beforehand    and    only    finalise    at    workshop (R&D lists should be available before the meeting for discussion and finalisation during the meeting)!

=> Structure of the 3-day meeting:

  • 1st day: accelerator plenary - working groups present status
  • 2nd day: detector and physics plenary - update on the detector and physics status
  • 3rd day: discussion of parameters; discussion of collaboration structure and procedures
=> The zoom info for the Working groups can be found (it is the same as for the first community meeting except that this time we will have 11 working groups instead of 9): HERE.
=> Here is the info to use the PowerPoint template:
- Other info in different files which can be found at the bottom of the page (lower right-hand side) of the first community meeting (see https://indico.cern.ch/event/1030726/).


muon collider logo     


Registration for this event is currently open.