30 May 2022 to 3 June 2022
Campus des Cordeliers - Sorbonne Université
Europe/Zurich timezone

Socio-economic impact studies for public investment: science in the context of European funding mechanisms

31 May 2022, 09:05
Room 109 (CICSU)

Room 109


Oral presention (by invitation only) Socio Economic Impact FCCIS WP4


Prof. Massimo Florio (University of Milan)


Increasingly funders of public investment in science and technology require applicants to demonstrate the expected socio-economic returns of their projects. While the scientific case is obviously the top priority for researchers when they propose a new project, it is helpful to know why and how the funders have an interest on impact studies, and what is the potential reward for scientists to be able to provide the required evidence. The talk will present opportunities and requirements by the European Commission, European Investment Bank, ESFRI and other international and national funders of science and technology.

Primary author

Prof. Massimo Florio (University of Milan)

Presentation materials