>> Timezone: Europe/London (0 UTC)
Welcome to the 5th FCC Physics workshop in Liverpool!

The event is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951754.
For health reasons, the 5th FCC Physics workshop will finally be held as a purely online event. All plenary and parallel sessions will be accessible for remote participants by a zoom link. Sessions will generally run 8.30 - 12.00 and 13.00-17.00 UK time (UTC).
The structure of the week will be as follows
- Monday am: Welcome, overview of FCC feasibility and Physics studies
- Monday pm: Higgs Physics 1 (ee/hh)
- Tuesday morning: Higgs physics 2, PID and flavour tagging
- Tuesday afternoon: Flavour (tau, b) physics
- Wednesday morning: Detector session
- Wednesday afternoon: QCD and Precision EW
- Thursday morning: ee/ep/hh MDI, Software
- Thursday afternoon: Direct searches for new particles
- Friday morning (start 8:30 UTC):
Selected physics Highlights
Joint Software/performance/detector - Friday afternoon: Status and future plans, outlook
The detailed timetable is now posted
Following the recommendations from the European Strategy for Particle Physics, CERN has now launched the FCC Feasibility study (FCC-FS), of the FCC colliders (ee and hh) as a global project with its international partners[1]. The study goals include optimization of the placement and layout of the ring and related infrastructure, and demonstration of the geological, technical, environmental and administrative feasibility of the tunnel and surface areas, as well as the preparatory administrative processes required for a potential project approval, together with the Host States. The study will deepen the design of FCC-ee and FCC-hh and their injectors, supported by R&D on key technologies. The financial feasibility study will focus on the first stage (tunnel and FCC-ee)[2]. One of the pillars of the FCC-FS organization is the Physics Experiments and Detectors (PED) study, in which the physics case and detector concepts will be consolidated for both colliders (FCC-ee and FCC-hh, with its heavy ion programme and with the e-p option)[2].
The 5th FCC Physics, Experiments and Detectors workshop will reflect the status and achievements of FCC PED studies and initiate new activities. All PED Working group packages will be represented, Physics Programme, Physics Performance, Detector Concepts and Physics Software and Computing, as well as the joint FCC-ee Accelerator-Experiment working groups (machine-detector interface (MDI) and centre-of-mass energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization (EPOL)). Joint sessions and tutorials will reinforce the synergies between working groups.
The workshop welcomes the widest community, geographically, thematically (colliders and beyond), and members of other ‘Higgs factory’ and future projects.
If you want to remain up-to-date on the FCC physics and experiments activities, or if you plan to participate in the study, please register to the mailing lists at the following URLs:
[1] CERN council documents describe the organization and milestones of the FCC-FS;
[2] More details can be found in the kick-off presentations at the FCC week in June 2021.