FCC-hh accelerator
- Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
In this talk, I review the current status of the FCC-hh ring layout and optics studies, starting from a brief overview of the CDR status and then moving to the recent developments. I also provide an outlook for future studies and activities.
The FCC-hh will feature both an unprecedented stored proton beam energy
of about 8.3 GJ, more than an order of magnitude higher than the HL-LHC,
as well as superconducting magnets. This puts extreme demands on the
collimation system that should safely intercept any beam losses, since
even a tiny fraction of the beam carries enough energy to quench the
magnets or even cause damage. This...
Inside the vacuum chamber of the FCC-hh, image currents will be induced in the beam screen due to its proximity to the particle beam. To ensure a stable beam trajectory, it is important that the surrounding material has very low surface resistance and that the magnetic field homogeneity is maintained in the central region of the vacuum chamber. To achieve this, our consortium explores the...
Since the late 1960s, superconductors are employed as materials for radio-frequency (RF) cavities because of its operation at higher acceleration voltage gradient and lower AC power demand than comparable normal conducting alternatives. In this field, elemental Nb is the most widely used material owing to its highest critical temperature Tc and highest RF critical field Hsh among the elemental...