Training Organization


Participants will be asked to download SATLAS before arriving. Information will be given prior to training.  


Preliminary laboratories

Lab. 1: Collinear laser spectroscopy

Collinear laser spectroscopy of stable Yb isotopes. Discharge source with Yb sample in IGISOL target chamber. Accelerate and mass separate with dipole magnet. Identify light gas contaminants and stable Y, check isotopic abundance ratio. Beam through RF cooler buncher and to collinear line. Matisse cw laser. Scan the voltage of the light collection region. Fluorescent photons detected with PMT tube as a function of scan voltage. Measure resonances for different isotopes. The hyperfine structure of odd-mass Yb isotopes will be used in the Python+SATLAS lecture.

Lab. 2: Resonance ionization spectroscopy

Resonance ionization spectroscopy of stable Ag in an atomic beam unit. No mass separation, so 107,109Ag detected together. Three-step RIS scheme. Study the scheme, extract saturation curves and fit the data. Scan the first-step wavelength of a dual-etalon laser. Possible study of Rydberg states.

Lab. 3: Penning trap mass measurement

Use a surface ion source for production of stable K, Rb and Cs isotopes. Investigate the different ion motions inside a Penning trap. Perform the Time-of-Flight Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ToF-ICR) technique. Measure the mass of 87Rb using 85Rb as a reference.

Lab. 4: Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry

Introduction to the Pelletron laboratory, ion sources and the Pelletron tandem accelerator. Overview of the different ion-beam analysis beam lines. Focus on RBS method on a Pu target, along with a reference material. Look at the different atomic layers and understand how they are identified. Check both the target material and substrate.

Lab. 5: Vacuum-mode recoil separator

Understand the purpose of a recoil separator for nuclear spectroscopy. With a 241Am source in the target position of the MARA separator, tune the alpha-decay recoils through the separator, understanding the use of the different ion-optical elements. Implant the recoils into the focal plane detector station and measure their decay. Identify the different charge states.