
Proceedings will be published on Zenodo. By default, this will include the slides or poster files. Each submission will have its unique DOI. Three options are avaliable:

  • If you feel that your slides or poster serve as your proceedings, you do not have to do anything.
  • If you want to to submit written proceedings by July 15th 2022 (NEW: extended to August 15th 2022), these are the instructions. We suggest the following page limits as rough guides: Plenary: 8 pages, Parallel: 5 pages, Poster: 3 pages. There is no format but you should include the following sentence in the first page: Presented at DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 2-6 2022. Once ready, please upload the pdf file to the indico in the Presentation materials of your contribution.
  • If you would not like either contribution to appear as part of our proceedings, please inform us by email to of your intention to withdraw from the proceedings.

NEW: proceedings can be found here. If you find any problem, please  inform us by email to nestor.armesto at, claire.gwenlan at and leticia.cunqueiro.mendez at