5–11 Jun 2022
McMaster University
America/Toronto timezone
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(I) Deep Exclusive $\mathrm\pi^-$ Production using a Transversely Polarized $\mathrm{^{3}He}$ Target and the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID)

9 Jun 2022, 08:45
MDCL 1008 (McMaster University)

MDCL 1008

McMaster University


Prof. Garth Huber


The Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) is a proposed next-generation
detector to be installed at Jefferson Lab, to study hadronic structure at high
luminosity ($>10^{37}$/s/cm$^2$) over the broad kinematic range enabled by the
12 GeV electron beam of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator. SoLID's
symmetric azimuthal acceptance will enable Generalized Parton Distributions
(GPDs) to be probed via the single-spin asymmetry in exclusive $\pi^-$
electroproduction from a transversely polarized neutron ($^3$He) target. The
$\sin(\phi-\phi_S)$ Fourier amplitude ($\phi$: scattering plane-reaction plane
azimuthal angle, $\phi_S$: scattering plane-target polarization azimuthal
angle) is particularly sensitive to the spin-flip GPD $\tilde{E}$, which is at
present nearly unknown. The $\sin(\phi_S)$ amplitude is also extremely
important, as it provides powerful constraints on the higher-twist transversity
GPDs. I will give an update on the SoLID status, and present projections
indicating a significant advance over the only measurement to date (HERMES
2010), with broader kinematic coverage and greatly reduced uncertainties.

Primary author

Prof. Garth Huber

Presentation materials