5–11 Jun 2022
McMaster University
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(I) Z' Bosons in Supersymmetry: Mass Limits, Dark Matter, Anomalous Magnetic Moments, and Flavour Anomalies

8 Jun 2022, 15:45
MDCL 1105 (McMaster University)

MDCL 1105

McMaster University

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Theoretical Physics / Physique théorique (DTP-DPT) W3-1 New Physics and Dark Sector (DTP/PPD) | Nouvelle physique et secteur sombre (DPT/PPD)


Mariana Frank (Concordia University)


Augmenting MSSM by an Abelian $U(1)^\prime$ gauge symmetry offers a viable solution to the $\mu$ problem in supersymmetry. Unfortunately, in most instances, collider phenomenology of such models is limited by stringent limits on the $Z^\prime$ boson mass from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. Here we investigate possibilities of lowering the mass in either leptophobic models, by employing kinetic mixing, or in models with non-universal $U(1)^\prime$ charges. We explore implications of such models on resolving flavour anomalies in $B$ decays and $(g-2)_{\mu,e}$ discrepancies. We verify consistency of these models with dark matter bounds and indicate the most promising collider signals.

Primary author

Mariana Frank (Concordia University)

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