5–11 Jun 2022
McMaster University
America/Toronto timezone
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Hyperbolic Matter in Electrical Circuits with Tunable Complex Phases

8 Jun 2022, 11:15
MDCL 1309 (McMaster University)

MDCL 1309

McMaster University

Oral (Non-Student) / Orale (non-étudiant(e)) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) W1-8 Condensed Matter Theory I (DCMMP/DTP) | Théorie de la matière condensée I (DPMCM/DPT)


Prof. Igor Boettcher (University of Alberta)


We introduce the theory of hyperbolic matter, a novel paradigm for topological states made from particles moving in the infinite two-dimensional hyperbolic plane. Negative curvature of space is emulated through a hyperbolic lattice. Utilizing topoelectric circuit networks relying on a newly developed complex-phase circuit element, we experimentally realize hyperbolic graphene as an example of topologically nontrivial hyperbolic matter and compare measurements of Dirac particles and Berry curvature to hyperbolic band theory.

Primary authors

Prof. Igor Boettcher (University of Alberta) Dr Anffany Chen (University of Alberta) Hauke Brand (Wuerzburg University) Tobias Helbig (Wuerzburg University) Tobias Hofmann (Wuerzburg University) Stefan Imhof (Wuerzburg University) Alexander Fritzsche (Wuerzburg University) Tobias Kiessling (Wuerzburg University) Alexander Stegmaier (Wuerzburg University) Lavi Upreti (Wuerzburg University) Martin Greiter (Wuerzburg University) Prof. Ronny Thomale (Wuerzburg University)

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