- Daria Ahrensmeier
When designing coursework and assessment, there can be a tension between prescribed content and engaging diverse student interests. In this talk, I will describe how I have attempted to balance this tension by including independent projects as part of coursework. I have used independent, student-chosen projects as part of a third-year classical thermodynamics class, a third-year biophysics...
Reliable and authentic assessment methods are pivotal in both grading and improving student learning process. Traditionally all courses include a mixture of assessments that can be classified as formative or summative, with the classification tied to the type of the activity and the grade associated with it, not necessarily to the function and intended use of the feedback it provides. This...
This talk will describe elements used in an introductory university physics course to bring physics to life and help students see and use the world around them as their lab. The audience will learn common challenges associated with this mission and discover the key principles to develop a framework for designing real-world experiential learning activities in physics courses at any...
The goal of this project is to enhance students’ collaboration with activities that reduce the reliance on multiple choice questions that are common in large-enrollment introductory physics classes, by providing students with new opportunities to collaborate on more open-ended scenarios, such as: mini-case studies. Course materials, in the form of mini-case studies were created. They were...